Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Agriculture Without Soil & Sun In Low Space

Hydroponics is simply defined as growing of plants or cultivation of plants without soil but by the use of an inert medium such gravel, sand, peat etc, with the help of a nutrient supplier containing all the essential elements needed by the plants for its normal growth and development. Many Scientists worked on this. Mr. Vivek collected prior information about Hydroponics and wanted to do something that would bring a revolution in Agriculture.

After collecting information about it Mr. Vivek came to know that for growing plants through this cultivation we need a nutrient solution which has all essential elements needed for growth of plant and in definite proportion and in absorbable form.After working three years on it Mr. Vivek invented a nutrient solution in aqueous form named ORGFERT-V and tested it on different varieties of plants such as vegetable plants,Fruitable plants(Mango,Lichi,Papaya,Lemon,etc),show plants(Diffenbachia,Pendanus,Croton,Sansveria,etc)and on higher plants like Ashoka,Peepal,Banyan,etc and found that the result is positive.All plants are growing without soil in water and sand medium and the Vegetables and fruits are bigger in size without any change in taste and chemical properties of Fruits and Vegetables.Then Mr. Vivek tested it with the local farmers of the district Samastipur of state Bihar and found that the result is positive.Farmers approved that the Hydroponics Culture with the help of nutrient solution ORGFERT-V is excellent.It benefitted them a lot economically and there was no change in taste of Fruits and Vegetable but the size of Vegetables and Fruits were bigger.After this Mr. Vivek found that the nutrient solution(ORGFERT-V) which he invented enhances the power of photosynthesis in plants and plants grow much faster as compared to plants in soil without any side-effect.The solution also suppresses the effect of Fungus and Virus on plant which result in higher production without any change in taste or nature of Fruits and Vegetables.After that Mr. Vivek tested it on Rice crop and invented a technique to grow Rice crop without a single particle of soil.He tested it on the roof of his house were his lab is situated and in 10 square feet area,he successfully cultivated Rice crop and yielded 45 kg of rice without soil.This proved that ORGFERT-V as a nutrient solution is best for doing Hydroponics at very low cost.After testing on many plants he made a list all(approx 18,000 including all common vegetable plants,Show plants,Fruitable Trees,Bis Trees like Ashoka etc) of plants commonly grown in the country and mentioned its nature,how it will be grown in Hydroponics culture,what is temperature requirement of that plant and many more.

After doing this all Mr. Vivek presented it at Nagaland in NCSC in 2008 and was awarded for doing this invention and the former president and Scientist Dr. A. P. J Abdul Kalam told this is very importantant invention and is very beneficial to the world.Mr. Vivek also published it with the help of Media and he was there on every news channels on television and he was also there on front page of every newspaper.

Hydroponics can bring a revolution in agriculture.


This invention is very important as with the help of Hydroponics by using ORGFERT-V,we are able to grow more plants in limited space.As Mr. Vivek and local farmers practiced,plants can be grown at our houses with less labour and input of money and will increase our economic status without harming environment.In this culture we are using non-biodegradable materials such as plastic and glass bottles,fuse bulbs and tubelights as pots to grow plant which will reduce pollution. Agriculture with its ability to assimilate CO2 through the processes of photosynthesis can be one of the major contributors to control global warming, since it is the only known technology, which can absorb CO2 and

release Oxygen.Hydroponics will help in decreasing Global Warming as if every person will use that empty non-biodegradable materials as containers to grow plant and if only ten plants is planted in every house at place of artificial plant in water which will increase beauty of house which will be liked by everyone,then this will surely reduce the air pollution and consequently help in decreasing the Global Warming.People in cities can also practice farming of vegetables and other plants without soil at their then they will get fresh vegetables,this will benefit them economically,in very less time and effort, it will also make house’s environment fresh and they will be centre of attraction of all people.As with the rising population our land and food demand has increased,so agriculture through Hydroponics using ORGFERT-V will bring a revolution in Agriculture.
   Mr. Vivek also presented his Invention in  International Conferences and is appreciated for doing this Invention and making Agriculture without Soil,Sun,Servent & Space and in less money very easy....
      Further experiment is being carried out for more improvement.
Mr. Vivek presenting his invention in Indian Lab Expo 2010...........
Mr. Vivek also presented his Invention in many engineering Colleges.Recently he presented his invention in MIT,Aurangabad.

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